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Kan shang qu hen mei (2006)


IMDb 6.7/10  (1 571) RFF 6.9/10  (26)


Sensitive scenes: 16 (14m)
Keywords: boy-nudity, boy-punishment, girl-nudity, girl-topless, sexual-curiosity
Nudity: 9/10
Country: China  Italy
Director: Yuan Zhang
Runtime: 92 minutes


Boys and girls changing/washing for sleep. 2 Girls help the main character to undress. They take off all his clothes. Rear nudity.
Nudity: 8
Points: 8
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (50)
from 5 to 6 years old
boys (2)
from 5 to 6 years oldpartialfull
Bowen Dong
6 years oldfull
girls (50)
from 5 to 6 years old
girls (2)
from 5 to 6 years oldfull

Time: 0:07:40-0:10:19 (2m 39s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 March, 16
We see the main character go naked outside and pee. Frontal and rear nudity.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Bowen Dong
6 years oldfullfull

Time: 0:10:59-0:11:50 (51s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 March, 16
All kids sleep without pants and underwear, some sleep completely naked. We see it when kids wake up.
Nudity: 8
Points: 8
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (10)
from 5 to 6 years old
boys (2)
from 5 to 6 years oldpartial
Bowen Dong
6 years oldpartialpartial
girls (10)
from 5 to 6 years old
girls (2)
from 4 to 5 years oldpartial

Time: 0:11:54-0:12:52 (58s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 March, 16
In one scene, the kids line up in two lines, boys and girls, and poop together.
Nudity: 8
Points: 8
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (25)
from 5 to 6 years old
girls (23)
from 5 to 6 years old
5 years oldpartialpartial
5 years oldpartial

Time: 0:13:00-0:14:05 (1m 5s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 March, 16
A girl (6?) takes clothes off in front of the class.
Nudity: 1
Points: 1
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (10)
from 5 to 6 years old
Bowen Dong
6 years old
girls (10)
from 5 to 6 years old
Lian Liu
6 years oldfull

Time: 0:21:21-0:21:57 (36s)
added: 2021 March, 16 | modified: 2022 September, 27
There is also a scene when the girls look at the boy's penis and giggle.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Bowen Dong
6 years oldfullfull
girls (2)
from 5 to 6 years old

Time: 0:24:35-0:26:57 (2m 22s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2024 July, 26
Boy and girl paint.
Nudity: 8
Points: 8
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Bowen Dong
6 years oldpartialpartial
5 years oldpartial

Time: 0:32:50-0:33:42 (52s)
added: 2021 March, 16
There is also a scene where the boy is dragging down a girl's panties from behind to give her an "injection". Rear nudity.
Nudity: 7
Points: 7
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Bowen Dong
6 years old
Manyuan Chen
7 years oldfull close up

Time: 0:38:31-0:38:40 (9s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2022 September, 27
Nanny clean kids' bottoms before they go to sleep.
Nudity: 6
Points: 6
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (5)
from 5 to 6 years old
Bowen Dong
6 years oldfull
girls (2)
from 5 to 6 years oldpartial
girls (3)
from 5 to 6 years old

Time: 0:40:30-0:40:47 (17s)
added: 2021 March, 16
Frontal nudity of a boy as he pees.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Bowen Dong
6 years oldfull

Time: 0:44:40-0:44:46 (6s)
added: 2021 March, 16
Boy and girl pee.
Nudity: 6
Points: 6
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Bowen Dong
6 years oldfull
5 years old

Time: 0:51:13-0:53:19 (2m 6s)
added: 2021 March, 16
Boys seen nude in a locker room.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (20)
from 5 to 6 years oldfullfull
Bowen Dong
6 years oldfull

Time: 1:00:25-1:00:55 (30s)
added: 2021 March, 16
A girl is dragging down another girl's panties to touch her buttock with a finger.
Nudity: 5
Points: 5
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
5 years oldpartial
5 years old

Time: 1:01:02-1:01:05 (3s)
added: 2021 March, 16
Girl pulls panties down to let nanny clean her bottom.
Nudity: 8
Points: 8
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
girls (5)
from 5 to 6 years old
5 years oldpartialpartial
4 years oldpartial

Time: 1:01:38-1:01:56 (18s)
added: 2021 March, 16
Nude bottoms of kids seen when they crawl on all fours to the nanny's room.
Nudity: 6
Points: 6
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (7)
from 5 to 6 years oldfull
boys (15)
from 5 to 6 years old
girls (7)
from 5 to 6 years oldfull
girls (15)
from 5 to 6 years old

Time: 1:06:02-1:06:43 (41s)
added: 2021 March, 16 | modified: 2022 January, 2
Boy sits nude on a bed.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Bowen Dong
6 years oldfullpartial

Time: 1:15:16-1:15:43 (27s)
added: 2021 March, 16 | modified: 2023 May, 3

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