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Los abandonados - Die Niemandskinder von Camanducaia (1986) (TV)



Sensitive scenes: 8 (12m)
Adult content: 10/10
Nudity: 9/10
Violence: 6/10
Country: West Germany  Mexico
Director: Frank Guthke
Runtime: 90 minutes


A group of boys are taken from a juvenile prison in a bus. When they arrive at their destination armed guards on the bus force them to strip naked, which they do in their seats.
Sex: 6
Nudity: 8
Violence: 6
Points: 20
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (21)
from 12 to 16 years oldpartialpartial
Daniel Toledo
16 years oldpartial

Time: 0:09:40-0:10:40 (1m)
Information is not verified
added: 2021 September, 19
The guards open the back door of the bus, which is parked hanging over a steep gravel slope. Each of the naked boys is thrown out of the bus and sent tumbling down the slope. Some slide down on their fronts or backs, others roll head-over-heels. Some crash into rocks. It is mainly filmed from below with the boys rolling towards the camera, or from the back door, showing them being forced out. The young actors appear to have performed their own stunts. Full nudity is shown throughout, although as the scene is set at dawn and it is raining, the views are dark.
Sex: 6
Nudity: 9
Violence: 6
Points: 21
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (21)
from 12 to 16 years oldfullfull
Daniel Toledo
16 years oldfullfull

Time: 0:10:55-0:11:50 (55s)
Scene is dark | Information is not verified
added: 2021 September, 19
The guards open the back door of the bus, which is parked hanging over a steep gravel slope. Each of the naked boys is thrown out of the bus and sent tumbling down the slope. Some slide down on their fronts or backs, others roll head-over-heels. Some crash into rocks. It is mainly filmed from below in slow motion with the boys rolling towards the camera, or from the back door, showing them being forced out. The young actors appear to have performed their own stunts. Full nudity is shown throughout, although as the scene is set at dawn and it is raining, the views are dark.
Sex: 6
Nudity: 9
Violence: 6
Points: 21
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (21)
from 12 to 16 years oldfullfull
Daniel Toledo
16 years oldfullfull

Time: 0:10:55-0:11:50 (55s)
Scene is dark | Information is not verified
added: 2021 September, 19
One boy is shown lying face-down dead on the slope they were thrown down. The survivors, all naked and several injured, walk along a riverside and along a road searching for civilisation. It is now daytime. They pause for shade behind large cactuses and to hide from a passing car, but make no attempt to hide their nudity from each other as they walk.
Nudity: 9
Violence: 6
Points: 15
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (16)
from 12 to 16 years oldfullfull
Daniel Toledo
16 years oldfullfull

Time: 0:12:00-0:13:15 (1m 15s)
Information is not verified
added: 2021 September, 19
The boys arrive at a run-down gas station and diner. They run inside abandoned vehicles and case the place out and see one staff member and one driver, both sleeping in the heat. One group of boys runs to the driver and seizes him. A larger group runs to the diner. After pausing to look through the windows they rush inside where the worker still sleeps. Some surround him while others run through and check the rest of the building is empty. Several boys grab the worker, waking him. They find a gun in the cash register and realise they are in control of the building. They run wildly celebrating and grab table clothes and curtains which they use to cover themselves. Some strip the two men to their underwear and put on their outer clothes. Until this point, full nudity of all the boys is shown throughout. With their hostages locked in the bathrooms, the boys dance and eat.
Sex: 6
Nudity: 9
Violence: 4
Points: 19
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (16)
from 12 to 16 years oldfullfull
Daniel Toledo
16 years oldfullfull

Time: 0:13:25-0:17:15 (3m 50s)
Information is not verified
added: 2021 September, 19
In a flashback scene the main character recalls being caught stealing and is stripped to the waist, put over a bed, and whipped on his bare back by his grandfather as punishment. Only the first hit is shown before the camera shows other locals wincing at the boy’s cries.
Violence: 6
Points: 6
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Raul Romero Ramirez
10 years old

Time: 0:23:00-0:23:50 (50s)
Information is not verified
added: 2021 September, 19
The main character has sex with a woman in a rundown building. A sheet covers most of their bodies. The following morning she dresses as he watches from bed. Full nudity of her but her stays covered.
Sex: 10
Points: 10
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Daniel Toledo
16 years old

Time: 1:12:20-1:14:35 (2m 15s)
Information is not verified
added: 2021 September, 19
Two street criminal teenage boys break into a house. The main character, not used to such luxury, decides to have a bath in the large tub. In the tub he eats sweets and pours aftershave on himself, making his friend laugh.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (1)
15 years old
Daniel Toledo
16 years oldfullfull

Time: 1:18:05-1:19:05 (1m)
Information is not verified
added: 2021 September, 19

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