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Maladolescenza (1977)

IMDb 5.6/10  (2 500) RFF 7.2/10  (57)


Sensitive scenes: 11 (17m 48s)
Keywords: boy-first-sexual-experience, boy-nudity, first-kiss, girl-abuse, girl-first-sexual-experience, girl-nudity
Adult content: 8/10
Nudity: 10/10
Violence: 10/10
Country: Italy  West Germany
Director: Pier Giuseppe Murgia
Banned in Countries: Germany (28 July 2006), Netherlands (2010)
Runtime: 93 minutes


Fabrizio is lying completely nude, he then fights with a dog.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years oldfullpartial

Time: 0:00:07-0:01:24 (1m 17s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 February, 28
Laura lowers panties to pee. Her private area is seen close when she puts her panties back on. Fabrizio spies on her.
Nudity: 10
Points: 10
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years old
Lara Wendel
11 years oldfull close up

Time: 0:10:39-0:10:56 (17s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 February, 28
Laura's hands tied by Fabrizio after some fight between them.
Violence: 3
Points: 3
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years old
Lara Wendel
11 years old

Time: 0:18:26-0:21:07 (2m 41s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 February, 14
Laura and Fabrizio kissing.
Points: 1
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years old
Lara Wendel
11 years old

Time: 0:24:15-0:24:22 (7s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 February, 14
Love scene with Laura and Fabrizio.
Sex: 8
Nudity: 9
Points: 17
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years oldfullfull
Lara Wendel
11 years oldpartialfull close up

Time: 0:29:03-0:31:34 (2m 31s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2022 December, 14
Fabrizio undresses Laura, she is seen topless.
Nudity: 3
Violence: 10
Points: 13
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years old
Lara Wendel
11 years oldfull

Time: 0:36:38-0:38:07 (1m 29s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2022 December, 14
Laura takes her panties off to pee [nothing shown]. Fabrizio pees on her [nothing shown].
Violence: 3
Points: 3
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years old
Lara Wendel
11 years old

Time: 0:50:20-0:50:50 (30s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 February, 14
Silvia stands in the transparent dress, her breasts could be seen through it. Fabrizio kisses her.
Nudity: 2
Points: 2
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Eva Ionesco
11 years oldpartial

Time: 0:50:53-0:51:56 (1m 3s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 January, 16
Laura discovers nude Silvia and Fabrizio. They force her to watch them making love.
Sex: 8
Nudity: 9
Violence: 4
Points: 21
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years oldfullfull
Lara Wendel
11 years old
Eva Ionesco
11 years oldfullfullfull

Time: 0:55:51-0:58:00 (2m 9s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 February, 14
Love scene with Silvia and Fabrizio. Laura is changing in this scene, seen topless.
Sex: 8
Nudity: 10
Points: 18
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years oldfull
Eva Ionesco
11 years oldfull close upfullfull
Lara Wendel
11 years oldfull

Time: 1:02:03-1:06:49 (4m 46s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 March, 24
Fabrizio reminiscences of making love with Silvia.
Sex: 8
Nudity: 10
Points: 18
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years oldfull
Eva Ionesco
11 years oldfull close upfullfull

Time: 1:24:24-1:25:22 (58s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 March, 24

Behind the scenes

From a 1977 article in an Italian newspaper (in Italian): "I'm angry, because the film is useless, it shocked and scandalized me," Eva replies in French, speaking very quickly, as if she were shooting with a machine gun. "When I was shooting it, I didn't realize it, I never thought I'd see myself like this. I just hope that at least in France, where I live, they ban it immediately, it would be a terrible scandal."
added: 2024 December, 12


Maladolescenza is known primarily for its use of a young actor and two 11-year-old pubescent actresses in scenes involving both nudity and simulated sex. It's largely unseen in all but a few countries primarily for this reason.

In Germany, although released uncut in cinemas at 91 minutes in 1977, public outcry caused for several scenes to be removed on its home video releases, namely all instances of nudity, sexuality and death involving children, bringing the running time down to 77 minutes.

In 2004, a German cult DVD distributor restored these cuts in a re-mastered version running at 91 minutes. This version was later banned in a German court on 28 July 2006, condemning the material as child pornography, successfully withdrawing all copies from distribution.

In 2010, a Dutch court ruled that the movie qualifies as child pornography because it depicts the sexual exploitation of children.

Its worldwide circulation is largely unknown to this day, including in Italy and France where seemingly no DVD or home video releases have ever been made available.

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