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Lara Wendel

Movies: 6
Sensitive scenes as a minor: 32

Maladolescenza (1977) 

Laura lowers panties to pee. Her private area is seen close when she puts her panties back on. Fabrizio spies on her.
Nudity: 10
Points: 10
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years old
Lara Wendel
11 years oldfull close up

Time: 0:10:39-0:10:56 (17s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 February, 28
Maladolescenza (1977) 

Laura's hands tied by Fabrizio after some fight between them.
Violence: 3
Points: 3
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years old
Lara Wendel
11 years old

Time: 0:18:26-0:21:07 (2m 41s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 February, 14
Maladolescenza (1977) 

Laura and Fabrizio kissing.
Points: 1
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years old
Lara Wendel
11 years old

Time: 0:24:15-0:24:22 (7s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 February, 14
Maladolescenza (1977) 

Love scene with Laura and Fabrizio.
Sex: 8
Nudity: 9
Points: 17
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years oldfullfull
Lara Wendel
11 years oldpartialfull close up

Time: 0:29:03-0:31:34 (2m 31s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2022 December, 14
Maladolescenza (1977) 

Fabrizio undresses Laura, she is seen topless.
Nudity: 3
Violence: 10
Points: 13
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years old
Lara Wendel
11 years oldfull

Time: 0:36:38-0:38:07 (1m 29s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2022 December, 14
Maladolescenza (1977) 

Laura takes her panties off to pee [nothing shown]. Fabrizio pees on her [nothing shown].
Violence: 3
Points: 3
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years old
Lara Wendel
11 years old

Time: 0:50:20-0:50:50 (30s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 February, 14
Maladolescenza (1977) 

Laura discovers nude Silvia and Fabrizio. They force her to watch them making love.
Sex: 8
Nudity: 9
Violence: 4
Points: 21
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years oldfullfull
Lara Wendel
11 years old
Eva Ionesco
11 years oldfullfullfull

Time: 0:55:51-0:58:00 (2m 9s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 February, 14
Maladolescenza (1977) 

Love scene with Silvia and Fabrizio. Laura is changing in this scene, seen topless.
Sex: 8
Nudity: 10
Points: 18
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Martin Loeb
17 years oldfull
Eva Ionesco
11 years oldfull close upfullfull
Lara Wendel
11 years oldfull

Time: 1:02:03-1:06:49 (4m 46s)
added: 2020 December, 8 | modified: 2021 March, 24
La petite fille en velours bleu (1978) 


Lara Wendel (13) is with a young woman in her late teens or early 20s. The woman is nude and undoes Laura's swimsuit and they kiss.
Nudity: 2
Points: 2
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Lara Wendel
13 years oldpartial

Time: 0:47:09-0:47:22 (13s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 January, 27
La petite fille en velours bleu (1978) 


Laura is in Konrad's room and takes off her nightgown showing that she wants to have sex with him.
Nudity: 2
Points: 2
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Lara Wendel
13 years oldpartial

Time: 1:23:06-1:23:18 (12s)
Scene is dark
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 January, 27

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Top 10 Movies
1. Prahaar: The Final Attack (1991)
2. Tears of the Amazon (2010)
3. Foudre (2007)
4. Flossie (1974)
5. Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975)
6. Ultimo mondo cannibale (1977)
7. Vild på sex (1974)
8. Nesmluvená setkání (1995)
9. Tom et Lola (1990)
10. Los abandonados - Die Niemandskinder von Camanducaia (1986)

