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Karel Smyczek

Movies: 6
Sensitive scenes: 15

Jen si tak trochu pisknout (1981) 


A boy pulls Helena's shoulder-strap, tearing it off. For a second we can see her right breast when she turns back.
Nudity: 3
Points: 3
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Michal Suchánek
13 years old
Libuse Heczková
13 years oldfull

Time: 0:02:11-0:02:14 (3s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 April, 18
Jen si tak trochu pisknout (1981) 


Petr takes bath.
Points: 1
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Michal Suchánek
13 years old

Time: 0:10:25-0:11:50 (1m 25s)
added: 2024 January, 26
Jako zajíci (1982) 


Boys spying for girls and women running nude after a bath. Katka (Barbora Srncová, 12) briefly seen nude in this dark scene.
Nudity: 8
Points: 8
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (7)
from 7 to 12 years old
Barbora Srncová
12 years oldpartialpartialfull

Time: 0:33:13-0:33:35 (22s)
Scene is dark
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2022 November, 30
Jako zajíci (1982) 


Michal and Katka kiss in one scene.
Points: 1
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Michal Dlouhý
12 years old
Barbora Srncová
12 years old

Time: 1:09:48-1:09:56 (8s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 March, 14
Snezenky a machri (1983) 


Viky (Jan Antonín Duchoslav, 17) mooning a girl in one scene.
Nudity: 6
Points: 6
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (2)
16 years old
Jan Antonín Duchoslav
17 years oldfull

Time: 0:11:41-0:12:03 (22s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 June, 11
Proc? (1987) 


Marketa Zmozkova (16) seen topless in rape scene.
Sex: 10
Nudity: 3
Violence: 10
Points: 23
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Marketa Zmozkova
16 years oldfull

Time: 1:01:23-1:02:00 (37s)
added: 2018 July, 1 | modified: 2021 October, 4
Správná sestka (1992) 

Episode: 1  Title: "Správná šestka a vesnická slavnost"  

Gretel (Sandra Nováková, 10) seen shirtless when takes her shirt off.
Nudity: 1
Points: 1
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Sandra Nováková
10 years oldpartial

Time: 0:06:26-0:06:38 (12s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 January, 19
Správná sestka (1992) 

Episode: 2  Title: "Správná šestka a vana"  

3 Sons (about 10yo) of the pastor are seen nude (front and rear) in a bathing scene. In the same scene a little girl (Hana Kusnjerová, 5) seen nude.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (3)
from 10 to 11 years oldfullfull
boys (3)
from 8 to 11 years old
Adam Novák
12 years old
Hana Kusnjerová
5 years oldfullfull
Sandra Nováková
10 years old

Time: 0:02:00-0:04:22 (2m 22s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2021 January, 19
Správná sestka (1992) 

Episode: 2  Title: "Správná šestka a vana"  

A chubby boy is seen completely nude (front and rear), the other boys are seen in swimming trunks. A girl (9) seen topless in briefs.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
9 years oldfullfull
Adam Novák
12 years old
7 years old
7 years old
Sandra Jirickova
10 years oldfull
Sandra Nováková
10 years oldfull

Time: 0:06:57-0:08:03 (1m 6s)
added: 2009 October, 22 | modified: 2023 December, 24
Správná sestka (1992) 

Episode: 2  Title: "Správná šestka a vana"  

Chubby boy sits nude in a tree. Later in the scene he is frontally nude behind a fence.
Nudity: 9
Points: 9
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (5)
from 8 to 11 years old
9 years oldfullfull
Adam Novák
12 years old
8 years old
7 years old
Sandra Nováková
10 years old
9 years old
Hana Kusnjerová
5 years old
7 years old

Time: 0:12:46-0:15:56 (3m 10s)
added: 2021 January, 19 | modified: 2023 August, 1

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Top 10 Movies
1. Prahaar: The Final Attack (1991)
2. Tears of the Amazon (2010)
3. Foudre (2007)
4. Flossie (1974)
5. Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975)
6. Ultimo mondo cannibale (1977)
7. Vild på sex (1974)
8. Nesmluvená setkání (1995)
9. Tom et Lola (1990)
10. Los abandonados - Die Niemandskinder von Camanducaia (1986)

