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Behind the scenes (210)

The Strange Affair
Year: 1968
In a 1981 interview, Susan George recalled her love scene with Michael York. "He was nervous, but divine. So gentle, covering me up, making feel like his girlfriend for the day. In that picture I remember being less inhibited than I am now. I guess that was because I knew so very little about love scenes. And the girl I was playing was totally free. She dropped her clothes on command. It was all quite natural."
Year: 1968
On the first day of filming his nude scenes, Warren Raum suffered severe sunburn on his buttocks, so much so that shooting had to be postponed while he recovered.

Warren Raum and Ryp Siani were both director Ralph Bluemke's first choices for the two main roles. Luckily, both boys and their parents consented to the extensive nudity in the script.

Prior to filming, none of the cast and crew were nudists. However, since most of their scenes were filmed in the nude, Warren Raum and Ryp Siani soon became accustomed to not wearing clothes unless it was required for a particular scene, and often wandered amongst the crew stark naked even when not filming. Much of the crew also joined in skinny dipping with the boys during lunch breaks.
Die Heiden von Kummerow und ihre lustigen Streiche
Year: 1967
Almost 20 children from Rügen were invited to the Babelsberg film studios at the time. The four Rüganers Jörg Resler, Karin Kaltenbach (born Heidemann), Wolfgang Hinz and Gerald Schraml were finally selected. Most of the scenes for the film, which actually takes place in the supposed West Pomeranian village of Kummerow, were shot in Vilmnitz, Resler recalls an exciting time. "After all, we received 40 marks a day for 40 days of shooting, the first earnings for the children. And there was even a surcharge for a nude scene in the film," Resler recalls, smiling.
Snezhnaya koroleva
Year: 1967
Elena Proklova claims she has been molested by one of directors during filming of some movie (most likely Snezhnaya koroleva) at age 12.
Year: 1966
The full-frontal nudity of 14 year old actor Jorgen Lindström in this film was controversial. Lindström later remarked in an interview: "I don't think it was such a big deal. I do remember reactions in the papers, people worrying about that poor kid, who would be ruined for life. Well, I was 14 at the time, and not quite an innocent child any more. I can't remember being embarrassed or anything. In fact I remember walking about nude on the set between takes. In a way, I guess I was still a child and innocent about it all, in another way I also knew a bit about 'the facts of life.'"
Amintiri din copilarie
Year: 1965
In a 2019 interview, Ion Bocancea recalled the tests to get his role in the movie and in particular the one for the nude bath scene."There were all kinds of tests: photo, filming rehearsals, but the most difficult was the one in which we had to undress for the scene in 'Taking a bath'. This test was held at the Village Museum and it was full of people there, people were looking at us like a circus. We had to strip down to our bare skin and make a route with thorns, fences, and obstacles. We were told that after we undressed, we would find the clothes at the end of the trail. No one wanted to undress, but I told myself that no one would know me anyway. I came out first, but there were other tests where I was first. I had horse riding and swimming tests, all kinds of sports tests", said Bocancea.
Dobro pozhalovat, ili Postoronnim vkhod vospreshchen
Year: 1964
Viktor Kosykh did not want to play Marat, because according to the script he must jump naked in the nettle. "For those days it was almost pornography! - remember the actor. "The girls would laugh at school."
The boy's fears were dispelled just before he left for Aleksin (where the pictures were taken): "When the bus was already moving, I leaned out of the window and asked Klimov, who saw us off:" Elem Germanovich, who I will play: Kostya or Marat? "He shouts to me:" Kostya, Kostya! "And I, pleased, went. I hadn't to jump naked in the nettle, so there will not be this pornography. "
But Viktor Kosykh had to bare himself on the shooting ot the film, however. This happened in the scene when Kostya Inochkin, crossing the river, squeezes his panties with his nude bottom to the camera. For these naked boyish bottoms Klimov was very scolded. Critics were not clear - why strip the guys naked? For example, they should have climbed in nettles with shorts on.
According to the actor, these reproaches are completely unfounded: "They do not just climb into nettles, but to get a rash. It would be strange if the rash covered only decent places! Therefore, he say to Marat: "And take off your cowards too!" So that no one suspects anything. "
Klimov still managed to defend the obvious need for nudity . The picture came to the screens without cuts.
Paskutine atostogu diena
Year: 1964
Lina Braknyte, talking about her nude scene:
-After "The Girl and the Echo", where in one scene I bathe nude (I was then 11 years old), I was teased at school. In the first days I had to sit in the toilet at every break . Only after two weeks everything was somehow calmed down ...

- Were your schoolmates jealous of you?
- They asked a lot, especially after the first film, "The Girl and the Echo", as there was such a scene.
- Sexy...
- Well, I was naked on screen. After the premiere, I go so proud, happy, with the director, until a girl of my age, eleven or twelve, comes running up to me and says: "How much have you been paid to make you play naked? I would not have agreed for anything at all." For me it was such a blow! I was afraid that this will begin in school. But, thank God, no one asked. But, when she was in fifth grade in Leningrad, the insults started in the toilet at a break. Nobody knew that there was a montage in the film ...
Child Bride
Year: 1938
A problem cropped up when planning the infamous "skinny dipping" scene: Shirley Mills did not know how to swim. Bernice Stobaugh, a local girl, doubled for Shirley in the long shots. It is Bernice who does the dive into the pond and does the graceful swimming in the long shots. In the closer shots, Shirley is seen doing the "dog paddle".
The Blue Lagoon
Year: 1923
This is considered to be a lost film. Herbert Wilcox acquired the motion picture rights to Henry De Vere Stacpoole's novel "The Blue Lagoon" from I.W. Schlesinger in 1928 and bought all prints of the film to prevent it from competing with his film. Unfortunately, the Great Depression halted Wilcox's ambitions of bringing "The Blue Lagoon" to the screen. To add insult to injury, the last surviving print was destroyed in a spectacular fire at the British and Dominions Imperial Studios on 9 February 1936, and Wilcox lost faith in the project.

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Top 10 Movies
1. Prahaar: The Final Attack (1991)
2. Tears of the Amazon (2010)
3. Foudre (2007)
4. Flossie (1974)
5. Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975)
6. Ultimo mondo cannibale (1977)
7. Vild på sex (1974)
8. Nesmluvená setkání (1995)
9. Tom et Lola (1990)
10. Los abandonados - Die Niemandskinder von Camanducaia (1984)

