Pé no Chão (2010) Brazil
Peace Talk (2006) Sweden
Peau de cochon (2004) France
Pecado Horizontal (1982) Brazil
Peccati in famiglia (1975) Italy
Þegar það gerist (1998) Iceland
Pegiy pyos, Begushchiy kraem morya (1991) Russia, Germany
Pejme písen dohola (1991) Czechoslovakia
Películas para no dormir: Adivina quién soy (2006) Spain
Pelikanblut (2019) Germany, Bulgaria
Pelle der Eroberer (1986) East Germany
Pelle erobreren (1987) Denmark, Sweden
Pelo malo (2013) Venezuela, Peru, Argentina, Germany
Pel·lícules del meu pare, Les (2007) Spain
Pen Pals (1988) USA
Penfield (2011) Spain
Pengantin Pantai Biru (1983) Indonesia
Penrod and His Twin Brother (1938) USA
Pensées et visions d'une tête coupée (1991) Belgium
People Next Door, The (1996) USA
People with a future. Tulevaisuuden kansa (1965) Finland
People's Century (1995) UK, USA
Pépites, Les (2016) France
Peppermint (1999) Greece, Bulgaria
Peppermint-Frieden (1983) West Germany
Peppi Dlinnyychulok (1984) Soviet Union
Pequeños gigantes, Los (1960) Mexico
Pequeños privilegios, Los (1978) Mexico
Per grazia ricevuta (1971) Italy
Père de mes enfants, Le (2009) France, Germany, Belgium
Pered uzhinom (1980) Soviet Union
Perekhodny vozrast (1981) Soviet Union
Perekhodnyy vozrast (1968) Soviet Union
Perevorot po instruktyi 107 (1983) Soviet Union
Perfect Stranger (2007) USA
Perfect World, A (1993) USA
Perfumed Garden (1985) Philippines
Perks of Being a Wallflower, The (2012) USA
Perl oder Pica (2006) Luxembourg
Perla w koronie (1972) Poland
Perlasca: Un eroe italiano (2002) Italy, France, Sweden, Hungary
Personal History of David Copperfield, The (2019) UK, USA
Personal History, Adventures, Experience, & Observation of David Copperfield the Younger, The (1935) USA
Pervorossiyanye (1967) Soviet Union
Pestalozzis Berg (1989) East Germany, Switzerland, Italy, West Germany
Pet Sematary (2019) USA, Canada
Peter Pan (2003) Australia, USA, UK
Peter Pan (1962) West Germany
Peter Pan (1924) USA
Peter und Sabine (1968) Austria, West Germany
Petit (1996) France
Petit bougnat, Le (1970) France, Italy
Petit garçon, Le (1995) France
Petit poucet, Le (1972) France
Petit prince a dit, Le (1992) France, Switzerland
Petit roi, Le (1933) France
Petit Spirou, Le (2017) France, Belgium
Petite allumeuse, La (1987) France, Switzerland
Petite bande, La (1983) France
Petite fille en velours bleu, La (1978) France
Petite maman, La (1997) France
Petite menteuse (1998) France
Petite voleuse, La (1988) France
Petits gestes (2002) Switzerland, Germany
Petits oiseaux, Les (2001) France, Belgium
Petka s hvezdickou (1987) Czechoslovakia
Petrogradskiye Gavroshi (1988) Soviet Union
Petter och Lotta på nya äventyr (1970) Sweden
Pettonton (1983) Japan