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Number of results: 13

Vo ba (2018) 

Second wife of Mays husband comes to relax her and prepare for delivering a baby that is soon expected, she gives her massage (from 1:04:39 only in uncut version – the touching between them becomes more passionate with May leading, they caress and kiss each other till May touches woman's breast); from 1:05:31 in both versions: the woman feels uncomfortable and tells May they shouldn't do it, but stays with her and talks to her
Sex: 8
Points: 8
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Nguyen Phuong Tra My
13 years old

Time: 1:02:41-1:07:43 (5m 2s)
Scene is cut | Information is not verified
added: 2024 October, 4 | modified: 2024 October, 4
Slovo patsana. Krov na asfalte (2023) 

Season: 1  Episode: 5  

Aygul is watching adult movie against her willing.
Violence: 4
Points: 4
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Anna Peresild
14 years old

Time: 0:43:24-0:43:42 (18s)
added: 2024 September, 19
The Amy Fisher Story (1993) 

Amy (Drew Barrymore, 17) seduces a man in the kitchen. They end up having sex in the bedroom.
Sex: 10
Nudity: 10
Points: 20
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Drew Barrymore
17 years oldpartial close upfull close uppartial close up

Time: 0:27:06-0:29:24 (2m 18s)
added: 2024 August, 11
Memorias de Leticia Valle (1980) 


A man seduces Leticia (Emma Suarez), and then kisses her on the lips.
Points: 4
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Emma Suárez
15 years old

Time: 1:25:01-1:25:53 (52s)
added: 2024 July, 2
Popcorn und Himbeereis (1978) 


In a comical scene Yvonne (Ursula Buchfellner) try to seduce a man, before being interrupted by 2 women. Shortly afterwards the man's wife also arrives.
Sex: 8
Nudity: 9
Points: 17
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Ursula Buchfellner
17 years oldfullfullfull

Time: 0:30:14-0:32:00 (1m 46s)
added: 2024 April, 19
Dirty South (2016) 


A teenager pulls down his pants to show Violette (Lou Chiller) his penis.
Points: 4
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Lou Chiller
12 years old

Time: 0:09:12-0:09:24 (12s)
added: 2022 August, 8
Blame It on Rio (1984) 


Jennifer takes of her dress, revealing her breasts, and seduces Matthew at the beach. He later wakes up with his head on her bare back and his arm on her bare butt.
Sex: 8
Nudity: 6
Points: 14
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Michelle Johnson
17 years oldfullfull

Time: 0:27:00-0:30:36 (3m 36s)
added: 2021 August, 14 | modified: 2021 August, 14
Hannahs Sommer (2008) 

Hannah (Kimmie Falstrøm, 14) changes her outfit and puts makeup, changes her style (like Olivia Newton John in Grease) and visits his boyfriend, Christoffer. Now she wants to seduce him, kisses him passionately and invites him to bed taking her clothes off, this time under the duvet, so nothing is visible. However now she is rejected and, ashamed, returns home.
Points: 4
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Kimmie Falstrøm
15 years old

Time: 0:15:15-0:17:05 (1m 50s)
added: 2021 March, 26
Evilenko (2004) 

A girl (10) lifts her skirt in front of the teacher who tries to seduce her then.
Sex: 6
Points: 6
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
10 years old

Time: 0:08:01-0:10:00 (1m 59s)
added: 2020 December, 22 | modified: 2020 December, 23
Eva nera (1976) 


Candy (Ziggy Zanger, 17) has a scene where she's lying fully nude on the floor being fondled by a man, he then places a snake on her belly.
Sex: 8
Nudity: 9
Points: 17
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Ziggy Zanger
17 years oldfullpartialfull

Time: 0:46:20-0:49:40 (3m 20s)
added: 2019 August, 7 | modified: 2022 April, 9

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Top 10 Movies
1. Prahaar: The Final Attack (1991)
2. Tears of the Amazon (2010)
3. Foudre (2007)
4. Flossie (1974)
5. Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975)
6. Ultimo mondo cannibale (1977)
7. Vild på sex (1974)
8. Nesmluvená setkání (1995)
9. Tom et Lola (1990)
10. Los abandonados - Die Niemandskinder von Camanducaia (1986)

