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Number of results: 74

Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975) 

The victims sit around the hall in their underwear or see-trough dresses. His excellency fondles Antinisca’s breast under her clothes. The Duke defacates on the floor as they watch then victim Renata is forced to eat it.
Nudity: 2
Violence: 10
Points: 12
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Lamberto Book
15 years old
Umberto Chessari
17 years old
Claudio Cicchetti
16 years old
Sergio Fascetti
16 years old
Gaspare Di Jenno
17 years old
Antonio Orlando
15 years old
Antiniska Nemour
17 years oldpartial

Time: 0:58:34-1:09:02 (10m 28s)
added: 2021 September, 27
Dovidenia v pekle, priatelia (1970) 


Kristínka is seen nude again.
Nudity: 9
Violence: 6
Points: 15
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Katerina Sidonová
6 years oldfullfullfull

Time: 0:34:47-0:36:33 (1m 46s)
added: 2021 September, 23
Frauen für Zellenblock 9 (1978) 

Maria (Susan Hemingway, 16) naked in her cell, reaching for bowl of water.
Nudity: 3
Violence: 10
Points: 13
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Susan Hemingway
16 years oldfull

Time: 0:15:25-0:15:49 (24s)
added: 2021 May, 9
Reform School Girls (1986) 


Edna forces Jenny to strip naked and tortures her using a firehose.
Nudity: 8
Violence: 6
Points: 14
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Linda Carol
16 years oldpartialfullfull

Time: 1:13:26-1:14:46 (1m 20s)
added: 2021 May, 4
Bonnie's Kids (1972) 


Myra (Robin Mattson, 15) is lying in her robe on a sofa talking seductively on the phone to Glen. The camera moves from her feet up, showing her panties. She starts phone sex. Her stepfather is listening, comes in and is looking at her. Suddenly he takes the phone away, hits her few times and tries to rape her.
Sex: 6
Violence: 6
Points: 12
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Robin Mattson
15 years old

Time: 0:08:50-0:10:57 (2m 7s)
added: 2021 April, 13
Ellos Volvieron (2015) 

After "killing" the 3 protagonists, The killer undresses them. A partial rear nudity shot of the actress can be seen.
Nudity: 5
Violence: 6
Points: 11
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Lauro Veron
11 years old
Juan Ignacio Molina
12 years old
Valentina Sartorelli
12 years oldpartial

Time: 1:30:18-1:30:20 (2s)
added: 2021 February, 27
Desideria: La vita interiore (1980) 

Tiberi (Klaus Löwitsch) pushes Desideria (Lara Wendel, 15), then pull her by her hair to the window, where he's dry humping her through clothes. No nudity.
Violence: 6
Points: 6
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Lara Wendel
15 years old

Time: 0:50:46-0:52:23 (1m 37s)
added: 2021 January, 22
Die Liebesbriefe einer portugiesischen Nonne (1977) 


Maria is chained naked on a cross. Men pinch her nipples with tools. They torture Maria.
Nudity: 9
Violence: 6
Points: 15
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Susan Hemingway
16 years oldfullfull close up

Time: 1:03:33-1:07:01 (3m 28s)
added: 2021 January, 18 | modified: 2021 May, 4
Cropsey (2009) 


A documentary about a man who is a convicted kidnapper and presumed multiple murderer. It includes scenes of Willowbrook, a now-closed New York state-run facility for retarded children, depicting mentally handicapped boys and girls in the nude (full front, rear and side).
Nudity: 9
Violence: 6
Points: 15
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
boys (5)
from 13 to 16 years oldfullfull
boys (5)
from 12 to 15 years old
girls (2)
from 14 to 15 years old

Time: 0:08:19-0:08:48 (29s)
added: 2021 January, 18 | modified: 2021 January, 21
Die Frau des Polizisten (2013) 

Bath scene with Clara Perkinger (played jointly by twins Pia and Chiara Kleemann, age 5) and her mother, who has apparently decided to drown her. The girl is full nude.
Nudity: 9
Violence: 6
Points: 15
Actors and Actresses age nudity
frontal rear chest
Chiara Kleemann
5 years oldfullfullfull
Pia Kleemann
5 years oldfullfullfull

Time: 2:46:16-2:49:24 (3m 8s)
added: 2021 January, 17 | modified: 2024 January, 17

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Top 10 Movies
1. Prahaar: The Final Attack (1991)
2. Tears of the Amazon (2010)
3. Foudre (2007)
4. Flossie (1974)
5. Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975)
6. Ultimo mondo cannibale (1977)
7. Vild på sex (1974)
8. Nesmluvená setkání (1995)
9. Tom et Lola (1990)
10. Los abandonados - Die Niemandskinder von Camanducaia (1986)

