Sex scene with Christian Slater (16) and Valentina Vargas and him dressing again after. | |
Time: 0:45:25-0:50:19 (4m 54s)
Behind the scenes
At 12, Christian Slater broke down crying on the set of The Invisible Boy when the script called for him to take off his clothes. At 14 he begged a cruel movie executive not to make him pull down his pants for the camera while filming Twisted. When he was 15, he had to parade around in a dress, lipstick and a wig in The Legend of Billie Jean. Slater spent most of his 16th year trying to hide a monk’s tonsure shaved for The Name of the Rose and went through the embarrassment of exposing his altogether for that film’s nude love scene. “I’ve done some ballsy shit, man,” he says.
…He leans back in his chair, takes a bite of his crab cakes and returns to cataloging his onscreen embarrassments. “There’s a scene in Heathers where I’m lying on the ground after a strip croquet game,” he says, “and they wanted me to show off some body. I said, ‘No, no, no, I’m not showing off any of my things — no heinie, no nothing. None of that.’ I’ve already put myself out on that line. I didn’t have to do it again.”
Slater showed off a few of his things in The Invisible Boy, wearing a body stocking. That wasn’t so bad. But in his next film, the never-released [in 1989] Twisted, there was a scene that wasn’t in the script that called for him to be chased by a babysitter. The babysitter was told to catch up to Slater sometime after the second lap around the couch, grab the back of his pants and pull them down, just a little. One movie executive told the 14-year-old it would “work for the film.” Another told the sobbing Slater he had to do it because he hadn’t written into his contract that he refused to do nudity.
Slater’s hand hits the table. “I think I was drugged and kidnapped for that film,” he says. “I had a guardian appointed, but maybe she was working for them, because she didn’t support me in any way. I tried to call my mother, and the line was busy.”
Now Heathers has delivered the big payback: a star-making role for an actor who’s never had the same hair color, accent or age for two films in a row and who, as he says, “never said to [the director of Name of the Rose], ‘Wait! Stop! Hold it! Let’s find another way to shoot this love scene! I’m not showing off my weenie to all these Italians!’”